SWEAT GUARD® Extreme provides the Ultimate in Excessive Sweating and Body Odour protection.
purchaseThe best Antiperspirant for excessive armpit sweating. Will get your armpits dry or your money back.
purchaseTriple absorbency, stops unsightly underarm sweat stains and prolongs the life of your clothes
purchaseHandmade, deodorant soap bar with natural essential oils. A Unique formula for people with excessive sweating and body odour.
purchaseStop excessive sweating. Underarms, hands or feet. Eliminate Body Odour (BO)
ExploreClinically proven, Home use iontophoresis. Stops hands, feet, underarm sweating
ExploreUsing this has boosted my confidence. I no longer fear or feel like I stink. I saw a huge difference within days of using it. I'm sticking with sweat guard, it’s worth every penny.
I absolutely swear by this, I suffer with persistent sweat and it’s so embarrassing. I tried everything but I would end up having to keep spare tops at work because nothing helped. SO glad I came across this, genuinely answered my prayers!!!!
In regard to the sweat-related anxiety (and thus more sweat!) that this product has saved me from, I can honestly say it is one of the most significant purchases of my adult life. A sincere thank you.