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Invented And Manufactured By Sweat Guard™

Since 2006, the SweatGuard® team has developed and manufactured products exclusively for the 365 million people worldwide or 4 or 5% of us who suffer daily from the life changing problems caused by extreme, excessive sweating.

This condition is called Hyperhidrosis and is more common than coronavirus, autism, melanoma, psoriasis and peanut allergies but due to stigma and embarrassment is almost never talked about.

After suffering with Hyperhidrosis every day of his life for 26 years, SweatGuard®'s founder decided to do something about it. To make a stand against the often ineffective products available to those who suffer this condition. Hyperhidrosis sufferers usually suffer for years or even decades, wasting considerable amounts of time and money trying endlessly to find a solution to their excessive sweating.

SweatGuard® has developed and now markets a range of strong and highly effective products for excessive sweating. We thank the countless hyperhidrosis sufferers who have written in shared their stories and collaborated with us to develop the highly effective SweatGuard® range of products which have made life-changing effects on their lives.

If your shirts are soaked with sweat, your sweaty hands are dripping or your feet are sweating excessively, we have treatments which actually stop severe excessive sweating. Giving you freedom, confidence and an ability to perform at your highest levels whatever you do.

SweatGuard® products are developed, manufactured and marketed in the UK. Manufactured to the highest standards they have been extensively tested and certified to comply with all the applicable UK & European regulations that ensure safety and effectiveness in use. These are specialist products so they cannot be found on the high street and are exclusively available directly from